TopKar ID: 37257
Geotype: омут
Region, district, settlement: -
Region, district, selsovet, settlement 1926: Republic of Karelia, Видлицкий район, Пульчельский, Рогокоски
Language of origin: Baltic-Finnish
Main information: Омут в окрестностях дер. Рогокоски.
No | Place of recording | Year | Informants | Recorders |
1 | Кавгозеро | 2009 | ПНФ, 1954 | |
2 | Сорбала | 2009 | ЕАГ, 1927 | |
3 | Сорбала | 2009 | ЛЕВ, 1929 | |
4 | Рогокоски | 2009 | ШПИ, 1936 |