Toponyms — TopKar


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Current administrative-territorial division

Administrative-territorial division I half. XX century

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23 toponym was found.

Search results

Toponym Geotype Region, district, settlement /
Region, district, selsovet, settlement (early 20th century)
1 Брод land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
2 Верховье land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
3 Клочевато Остожье land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
4 Клочевато Остожье land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
5 Ларионовщина Аверинская land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
6 Маланьевщина land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
7 Мишинские land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
8 Монастырская land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
9 На Бору land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)
10 Нимсельга land, hunting ground - /
Republic of Karelia, Shalsky District, Gakugsky, Силевская (Гакугса)